We are excited to revitalize a historic church building and grow into a thriving community pillar for the Near Eastside to experience the Gospel through community.
As of Friday, November 5, at 12:30 PM, 445 N State belongs to Soma Downtown Church! We are so thankful for the generosity of our Church body. To all those that have sacrificed time, mental energy, and monetary resource, we are incredibly grateful.
Phase One
Through the generosity of so many in our body, we have exceeded our initial “phase one” goal of $100,000. We give all the glory to the Lord for raising $50k in (LESS THAN) 50 Days! (36 days to be exact!)
Scroll down to Phase Two to see where we are now!
Phase Two
Thank you so much to everyone that came out that has put in hours upon hours of work to make this building liveable for our church family. We are also thankful for those that stayed home to watch children to allow for their spouses to come out and volunteer their time. You have all blown us away with the way that you are being the literal Hands + Feet of Jesus to our church. Each and every one of you are saving our church hundreds and thousands of dollars and we can't thank you enough!
Phase Three
Phase Three is a general call to press into our commitment to generosity in all aspects of our lives related to our community and this building. As more specific needs are identified, we will communicate them through our communication platforms.