
In a time filled with fear, we believe that in this time fear should simply urge us to take caution. Due to all of the recent changes that have been taking place in our city, our country, and our world we want to take safe steps to stay connected in healthy ways. We believe that there is value in tangibly meeting together and having a physical presence as a way of following Jesus’ example. Please spend time reading through the following list and subsequent Guide in order to be prepared for your gathering this Sunday.

  • The host should clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door knobs, light switches, countertops, faucets, chairs, etc.) and primary communal areas (e.g. kitchen, bathroom, living room, dining room, etc.) in their home.

  • Spend time in prayer before coming together to bring “a song, or a word of instruction, an exhortation” or some other encouragement “so that the church may be built up.” (1 Corinthians 14:26)

  • To listen to online teachings and resources that will be provided, please make sure that you have access to some means of watching and listening to the teaching. (e.g. laptop, tv with internet access, etc.)

  • Please read and remind everyone about the Safety & Sanitation Recommendations before the start of the gathering.

  • “Official” organized Sunday gatherings should last between 60 to 90 minutes. 


In order to ensure the safety and health of those gathering together, we recommend the following precautions be taken before and after gatherings:

  • Follow CDC Environmental Cleaning and Disinfection Recommendations

  • Do not attend a Missional Community (MC) if you are sick, might be sick, or have any reason to think you have been exposed to COVID-19.

  • Make sure shared surfaces (e.g. door knobs, light switches, countertops, faucets, chairs, etc.) are disinfected before and after each gathering.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly (more than 20 seconds with soap and warm water) upon arrival and upon returning home.

  • If served, serve food and drink individually and with washed hands.

  • Keep as much distance as possible between members of different households and their belongings.


Each Sunday that you come together with your Community for MC, we encourage you to spend time centering on God’s presence through worship, public reading of scripture, learning from the scriptures, praying, and spending time together. 


Some of us may think of worship as a time to sing with a band at church, but worship is much more than that. To worship is to turn your attention and affection towards God in adoration and awe. Below are a few suggestions for worshipping with your MC on a Sunday:

  • If someone in your MC is able to lead worship through song, spend some time singing together. 

  • If you don’t have someone in your MC who can lead worship through song, here are a few other options:

    • Listen and sing along to a few songs from our Soma Downtown Spotify playlist.

    • Pick a few Psalms and read them out loud together. We recommend Psalms 8, 9, and 17:7–11.

    • Spend a few minutes expressing gratitude out loud to God.  


To start your gathering or conclude your gathering, spend some time in prayer with one another. Use a few moments of silence to listen and rest in God's presence. Next, spend a moment sharing what God may have laid on your heart to pray for. Then begin praying. If nothing comes to mind to pray for here are a few general prayer points

  1. Eradication of the Coronavirus

  2. Healing for the sick

  3. Protection of the elderly

  4. Healthy church gatherings 

  5. Wisdom for our leaders (government, church, household, school, work, etc.) 

Sermon & Discussion Guide

Access the sermon audio and discussion guide on the “Coronavirus Downtown Updates” webpage. Listen to the sermon together as a group, then work through some of the discussion questions with one another.

Soma Kids

Soma Kids resources will be available to families to enjoy together in their own homes. We suggest that MCs keep childcare simple during their gatherings, allowing parents to be spiritually encouraged so they can continue on in discipling their children throughout the week.